This story begins with a man, Cerveau Bleu, who set out to travel the world in the pursuit of something tangible that represented the story of his life’s journey. Cerveau Bleu sought something that spoke to the hardships he had overcome and his pursuit of success. He wished to find an object that symbolized his ongoing determination and something that embodied his mindset which reflected the silver lining in every situation.
After many years of travelling Cerveau Bleu decided he would pause in the Cape Winelands to rest before continuing his journey. Whilst there he pondered on the agricultural product famous in the Cape, wine, — its production nothing if not hard work, filled with blood, sweat, pests, droughts, floods, personal struggle but resulting in the finest quality of the wine.
Cerveau Bleu realise that he had found what he was searching for. Wine reflected his personal journey of strife and finally his success. He set to making a wine that captured the strength and the ability to think out of the box and handle the pressures of life. Finally, in 2020, Cerveau Bleu tasted his creation and remembered there is always a light at the end of the tunnel and that the true essence of wine is not only in the taste but in the ability to cultivate memories.
Cerveau Bleu statement